Like I was saying before I was distracted by a faux fire alarm and jparks' wardrobe issues, on Saturday night we went out because I won entry to a pinball arcade's preview night. I had high hopes for the place as I love pinball, but sadly it was just meh. The location was awful and the interior of the arcade was very business office with desks removed. They did have a great selection of pinball games (nerd ahoy!) so at least it had that going for it. Also this person was there:
Those would be purple leopard print tights with nothing over them expect for a lovely raccoon tail. Is the tail a sign that she's a furry or is it just a fashion accessory?
We ended up only staying at the arcade for thirty minutes and then we went hunting for other things to do. We honestly were at a loss so we ended up where all old married couples with kids that never go out anymore head to on dates; the mall. After a brisk walk around there we headed back downtown for dessert at Lambert's.
So good:
There was even a band playing:
Just like all of our night's out now, it wasn't the most exciting thing ever, but it was still a pretty dang good time.
ReplyDeleteI'm seriously serious about coming to see you.
You need to come visit! I want you to come visit!
ReplyDeleteI would like that dessert right now.