Thursday, February 5, 2009

excitement all around

People, seriously there is so much stuff going on that I need to tell you about. Like the fact that I took a nap on Monday. Or that I cleaned house and found an extra wide bull penis and Lily is in heaven thanks to it. And let's not forget that my new copy of Lucky magazine arrived so now I can browse through it and dream of clothes that won't fit me and that I can't afford.

Do you guys see what I did there? I lied about exciting things in my life because there is nothing really going on. I am so witty and funny. I totally tricked you! Don't you feel like a fool now!

God, I am lame.

Unrelated to anything, the first clothing for the baby that I've bought has arrived. We still don't know if the sea monkey will end up being a boy or a girl, but either way it'll be rocking the Jolly Roger flag on its onesie.


  1. And I'll knit him/her little skull-emblazoned wrist warmers to match! We can make him/her a little gangsta before he/her emerges from your womb!

  2. Now you must name the child...One-Eye-Willie!!!

  3. someone gave my puppy one of those bull penis treats. he totally rejected it...aren't dogs supposed to go to town on those things?? my dog is weird.

  4. Pregnancy isn't usually a real festival of excitement. I spent mine dying white onesies black and if I could have found this one I would have been so excited!

    Enjoy the sleepy naps and the quiet!

  5. Your baby is going to need a Bacon shirt.
