The rest of the pictures from the weekend are here.
The trip home was interesting. We arrived at the airport 4,596 hours early (actually it was about 3 hours early but it felt like 4,596) because Jason got our flight times confused. After spending the day at the airport I was very ready to get home, but God didn't have that in his plans for me. He did seem to have it in his plan that our flight from Austin should leave late, we should almost miss our connecting flight in Dallas, and our luggage should disappear for awhile (it missed our flight and was delivered to our apartment at 12:13 am. 12:13 am! No really, American Airlines I wasn't tired from flying all day and I totally didn't want to just come home and go to bed. No, I wanted to stay up and wait for you idiots to deliver my crap.)
Today I was supposed to go shopping for work clothes, but instead I was asked to come into work. So I had my first day back with MOD. In khaki pants and flats. Sigh. Maybe I can make a better impression tomorrow.
And finally, tonight Jason started back on the South Beach Diet. Which means I've started on it as well, you know, for support. The worst part about this is while in Austin I bought a bunch of fancy chocolate bars that I've been waiting patiently to enjoy in the peace and quiet of my own home. And now the South Beach Diet has stolen that chance from me! There will be no rest for Jason until I can enjoy those chocolate bars.
It's okay to feel sorry for him, I would if I weren't me.
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