Tuesday, July 20, 2010


  • I wake up with a blog post in my head but Truman is also awake and demanding to be fed.

  • And he would like his ass wiped.

  • Tru goes down for a 20 minute nap, perhaps now I can make that blog post?

  • Or I can scoop the litter box, flip the laundry, empty and refill the dishwasher, and try to squeeze in the world's shortest shower

  • Tru wakes up from the nap and demands food and for me to wipe his ass

  • I try and run to Target and Whole Foods

  • Once there I realize I forgot to brush my teeth

  • More ass wiping

  • Home in time to feed Truman and jparks

  • Tru gets a bath, bottle, more damn ass wiping, and bed

  • Sit down to maybe finally make the post only to have the computer confiscated by jparks for online gaming

  • Drag out the laptop, take it to the bedroom

  • Jparks comes in and wants my attention. "Poke, poke, what are you doing, can I be involved, don't you just looooove blogger?"

  • Not being able to concentrate on anything, I abandon the laptop to pay jparks attention and maybe try to clear off the counter.

  • Annoyed and frustrated, I go to bed thinking of that blog post that I never got to write.

  • I wake up with a blog post in my head but Truman is also awake and demanding to be fed.

  • You should all know that the more cycles I go through before posting, the crankier I get about it. It makes for good times here at the Parks' household.


    1. Honestly, I totally feel the same way just subtract the kid and add a job that takes up most of my day (but don't subtract the ass wiping). I'm constantly playing do-just-enough-to-keep-everything-from-failing but I fear the house will one day topple over. I can't imagine adding the care of another human being to my tasks. Well, another human being under the age of 36. :)

    2. It's like some kind of bizarre Zen koan about ass wiping... "The mind is like a monkey. An angry monkey, that has been stung by a hornet. Also it must wipe a baby's ass randomly, throughout the day. Thus, meditation requires the greatest strength. And so does posting."

    3. What is it about husband's and their damn "let's be annoying" radar?? I could be sitting at home with him, doing absolutely nothing, but THE MINUTE I grab the laptop he's all "We really need to spend more time together".

