Monday, November 9, 2009

I might be the only person that was happy for Monday

Well, this was a fun weekend here at Parks Place. Assuming the new definition of fun is "exceptionally bad or displeasing." Or "having undesirable or negative qualities" would work as fun's new definition as well. Either way this weekend was sucky. And crappy. And did I mention not fun at all?

Thursday night Tru started with a fever, which we managed through the night with tylenol and cool rags. Friday I took him to the pediatrician expecting to be told we were all clear and it was just a fluke spike in his temperature. Expect it turns out it wasn't just a fluke and the kid had swine flu H1N1. And because the flu wasn't enough, the pediatrician called a few hours later to tell me that Tru's urine sample came back positive for a urinary tract infection. I do want to give Tru props for being a trooper, as sick as he was, he was still smiling and generally in a good mood.

We're past the worst of the flu and now are left to deal with the UTI. Apparently UTIs are not very common in baby boys so when he's done with his antibiotics, Tru gets an ultrasound. Depending on the results of that we'll move on to a voiding cystourethrogram which involves a catheter and dye inserted into his bladder. I'm trying not to worry too much about this because what good will it do? We can't get the ultrasound for at least a week, and I refuse to obsess about it until then. I will not be referring to Dr. Google because that just leads to sleepless nights spent staring at the ceiling while I chew my bottom lip off.

While I was at the pediatrician and the bad news was washing over me, I kept reminding myself that at least Saturday would be a good day because it was New! Car! Day! A couple of weeks ago jparks and I decided to get an Audi Q5 and Saturday was the day it would be ready for pick up at the dealership. I spent a lot of time while we were considering a new car walking around dealerships, talking to salesguys, researching on, and test driving various models and the Q5 came out on top time and time again. For a bigger car it's sexy, it handles beautifully, and it comes with enough gadgets inside to make jparks happy. I felt like if I were going to be buying a Mom car, the Q5 was a pretty damn cool Mom car.

Saturday morning came and I called the dealership to make sure the car was ready for pickup when the salesguy dropped this bomb on me "My sales manager says I can't sell you the Q5 at the price we talked about." Basically he claims that the Q5 is in such demand that they can sell it at sticker and we had agreed on a price that was not sticker. We hadn't filled out any paperwork yet because they wanted us to take care of all of that once the car arrived and while I probably could have gone to the dealership and made a scene, I just wasn't feeling it. The disappointment of not getting the car I wanted and expected should have lit a fire under me, but instead I was feeling rather worn down and just told the dealer "Thanks, but no thanks."

It's safe to say that my plan to eat better did not work out so well this weekend. When life gets tough, pie and cookies are very comforting. I guess my new plan is that if I can't have a new car, I should eat until my ass is as big as one. Good plan!


  1. Regan, I'm so sorry that Truman is sick - I hope he gets better soon, and that the UTI is just a weird anomaly, not a sign of anything more serious.

    And what total @sses about your car. I am mentally kicking those car dealers in the shins for you. That just sucks.

  2. Surprised you're not telling us (and by us I mean The Internet®) the name of this awful dealership…

  3. I am so so sorry to hear that Truman is sick. How long does this flu last? Is he feeling better yet? Poor little guy! Also hoping the antibiotics do their thing and his UTI is over and done with too.

    I second what dsandler wrote: tell us the name of the dealer so we know not to buy a car from them! That sucks! Have Jason call them and tell them they suck and your kid has H1N1 and they should feel totally awful for dragging you along when you clearly have much more important things to worry about than some dumb@$$ car salesman.

  4. Poor thing! Cali had a UTI when she was really little (about 3m) and we had to do the voiding test. Nothing showed up and they wouldn't let me stay in the room while they did the test. Hang in there - it will get better!

  5. Awww, I hope the little one is okay! Chin up and keep us posted.

    Also: that dealership can suck it. The Q5 is a great car but you're absolutely right for telling them to fuck off. (In nicer terms.) Who knows what else they would have pulled, especially when it comes to maintenance?

  6. The car thing bites, Regan, but I know the real bummer is that Truman isn't feeling so hot. It's little consolation, but I'm sure this UTI & the tests that follow are just the beginning of the many "love tests" that he'll put you through. Truman, she loves you. Now, quit testing it!

  7. Poor Tru! what a Tru-per! Sending good thoughts your way. let me know if you need any help! can't wait for you all to get better so we can lunch date. xo

  8. Glad to hear the laptop is feeling at least somewhat better. Look on the bright side: shrugging off swine flu and rare infection at such a young age suggests that he stands to be a stupendous badass later in life.

    For some reason "Dr Google" in my head looks like Dr. Nick from the Simpsons. Hey eva-body!

  9. So sorry that your little guy is sick. I hope he gets better ASAP. I know that having a sick little one makes for not a fun time.

    And car dealers are right at the top of the list of assholes. WTF are they thinking? Don't they watch the news? Shouldn't they be happy that someone is coming to buy one of their cars in this day and age? GAH...I hope that works out for you too.

  10. Poor Tru! I'm sure he will be fine! Could just be a fluke thing since his immune system was down with the swine flu. Also, how do you take a urine sample from a baby? That doesn't sound pleasant.

    That really blows about your car. Especially in this economy. I'm sure they'll be calling back in two weeks when they have too many on the lot.

  11. Oh Regan, sorry about your sucky weekend. Isn't it amazing how complacent babies can be when they are sick. I agree, if Tru handled swine flu so easily he's totally going to be a badass when he grows up. Those other Google babies better hide their lunch money. He is still beyond cute - even when sick. I hope this week is easier for all of you.

  12. Hope you and little Tru are feeling better. At least the weekend is over. Time for some happy news! Hopefully, the flu and UTI are merely immune system strengtheners.

  13. I wouldn't want to give that person my money anyway. Sorry Regan!

  14. Poor little guy, I hope he's feeling better!
    and pooh on the Audi guys!

  15. I sure hope Truman is feeling better by now, and I'm so proud of you for staying away from Dr. Google.
    the car thing stinks. ugh.

    xoxo steph

  16. [...] never mentioned it but Truman’s tests for his UTI all came back normal. The doctor has no answers for why he got the UTI, but at least he [...]
