Saturday, September 9, 2006

that thing I mentioned before has come to pass

You remember that thing I hinted at before? Well it's over and it sucks. Confused yet? Want to know what the hell I'm talking about?

Okay well, about a month ago this site, Oh My That's Awesome, posted an opening for a reviewer. And I jumped on that chance immediately. And decided I reallllly wanted that job. And got my hopes all up. Do you see where this is going?

I managed to keep my big mouth shut and didn't tell anyone I had sent in an email application for the job. But when I got an email back saying I was moving on in the application process, I opened my mouth. And spewing from it came words about how much I wanted this and how excited I was about it and tons of other things I should have known I would later be forced to eat.

I made my three test posts and checked my email and the test site constantly to see if I had earned any comments from the owners. Nothing. After not hearing anything for a few days I got an email asking for another test post so there is more of my work to judge. Then came an email saying the owners are finalizing the decision and we would know soon.

Up until this point I had been feeling really good about my posts. But when they asked for a fourth post from me, I noticed two new test posters appear, and this was a giant, red, neon, blinking sign that said "Regan, give up the dream, you're not getting hired." I think the sign might have even had a siren blaring. It's not that I thought the new girls were better writers, but damn, their products were good. Here I sunk all my time into creating funny, witty test posts and had not put much thought into my products. Don't get me wrong, my products were good, but not as good as the other folks'. And somehow I just knew that no matter how good the writing was, it wasn't going to make up for lackluster products.

And boy, sometimes I hate being right. On Thursday I got the rejection email and, darn, I was heartbroken. So now I'm a web reject. woot!


  1. They are oh so awesome at sucking, apparently.

  2. The worst part of my job at Oh My That's Awesome, by FAR, was having to send out those rejection notices to the five of you not asked not be our third writer. It SUCKED and I was stressed and upset about it for a couple of days. Please know it wasn't an easy decision at all and that we liked you a lot and wanted so bad to ask all of you to come aboard, but logistically, and for a variety of reasons, we just aren't in a place to support that many people. I'm sorry teh outcome wasn't what you hopes for -- I hope you weren't upset for too long!
