Friday, September 21, 2012


When I was pregnant with Pippa I decided we needed to do family/newborn pictures because we had skipped them when Truman was born. I booked a photographer, didn't tell jparks how much anything cost, and hoped the pictures would be worth it. Those pictures are awesome. I decided we would do pictures every year in the two week window between the kids' birthdays and as long as Michele was in the business of taking pictures, she would have to be the photographer. 

Due to a change in shooting location we missed that two week window this year by about two weeks, but it was worth it. I couldn't love the results more.


Jparks saw the pictures and said "Whoa, I'm ripped! When did I get so sexy! Look at my back!" Of course he did. 



I don't even care that I look like a spaz, I love this


This is so Pippa and Truman. He's hauling ass off in the distance and she's trying to catch him

This is a perfect picture of us. 

Y'all, I am the most awkward person in front of the camera but I can't wait to take pictures again next year. It's worth it. You should do it. 


  1. I love them. You guys are a damn cute family.

  2. I think I remember your newborn photos, too and I love the style of these pictures! There's so much of your families personality in these pictures. Worth whatever they cost, for sure.

  3. These are so great! Beautiful family!

  4. These are such great pictures! We manage to only get family pictures done within a month of my having a baby. (3 times now!) Having them done when I'm not immediately postpartum is on my list!

  5. That pic of Truman? OMG, I die. WHAT A LITTLE HEARTBREAKER!! You all look great. Super fun pictures!

  6. This might be the funniest, sweetest, and most accurate depiction of a family photo session ever, R. And that's why I adore your fam SO much!!!!

  7. You just have an adorable family and those photos are excellent.
