Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pippa Wren

As everyone surely knows by now, I've finally had a baby. Last Thursday I checked into the hospital at 8am, started Pitocin at 9am, and at 1:08pm I had a new tiny human with dark hair and jparks' nose.


I won't go into it more than this, but I do want to say that labor was so much easier (although not easy) this time and I'm already feeling more human than I did at a week post partnum with Truman.

Looky, I even discharged early from the hospital:
Pippa Wren

So now we're a family of four and everyone is adjusting much better than expected. This means that so far Truman hasn't chucked a toy train at Pippa's head, although I've probably just jinxed myself and should go buy an infant helmet tomorrow.


  1. She's beautiful and I'm glad you are feeling good. When school starts for Bridget, maybe we can get together. Either I can come over or we can meet up, if you are ready to take her out.

  2. Congratulations! Love her name :)

  3. Love the name!!!! Really sweet, Regan. :)

  4. Congratulations!! She is so precious!

  5. She is beautiful. The name is lovely. glad you didn't spoil the surprise. No bad connotations, just lovely.

    Glad you're doing well.

  6. Seriously, that baby is ADORABLE. Her name is super cute too! Great job, mama.

  7. Congrats! I love, love, love her name!

  8. I somehow totally missed this, because I'm clueless. But congratulations!!! She's beautiful!
