Unrelated to their visit, some new people have moved into our building and I'm sure they are very nice but they keep parking in my spot. Not that we have assigned parking but I like the spot right next to the door. I've been parking there since we moved in and I'm not ready to give it up. Also, I'm fairly certain even my car is upset over this situation:
Whoa, whoa there car, it's going to be okay. No need to eat the teeny BMW. We'll just have to figure out when they typically leave the house and take back our spot then. What, is that not normal person behavior? Crap.
Now that Kristin has taken the bad weather back to Chicago with her, Austin returned to beautiful 60 degree days. This can only mean one thing, spring is on its way and the new shoe collections are out! Last year I fell hopelessly in love with a pair of Valentino wedge shoes but common sense took hold and I didn't buy them. Today I saw these and be still my beating heart!
I am going to start shaking out the couch cushions now to find the $745 needed to buy them. And on the freak chance that there isn't that much money tucked away between the cushions, these at the bargain price of $475 would make a suitable replacement: