I am deathly afraid of needles, although I have gotten a little bit better since I was pregnant because there is nothing a doctor loves more than ordering blood work on a pregnant lady. I hate getting shots and am not above acting like a child when told I need to get one. The only exception to this are shots prior to dental work. Even though the needle is scarier and it's going in my mouth, these shots don't bother me in the slightest. I find the drool-y feeling of having half your face numb really interesting, especially when the drugs start to wear off, and since needles and shots are part of that process I guess I've just looked past my fear. This is just a long, long winded way of saying I would rather skip all my dental cleanings, let my teeth rot and fall out, and go in for repair work and I see nothing wrong with wanting this to be my dental plan for life.
And as if the cleaning wasn't bad enough (have I mentioned the gritty tooth polish? vomit) throughout my cleaning I kept smelling something. I had no idea what the scent was other than "perfume" and I knew it was coming from the dental tech because it went away when she did. I assumed she had on perfume and it made me hate her a little because if you're going to be that close to people's faces all day I think you should eliminate from your life all perfume or heavily scented lotions. But then I sat up and saw this:
Green apple scented exam gloves! That smell nothing like green apples! They should be outlawed.
After slyly taking that picture I looked to my left and saw these:
Smugly I thought to myself "Well, at least she didn't use the grape scented ones, I bet those are truly awful." Of course then the actual dentist came in and grabbed two fucking grape gloves to do his exam. I can now report that they smell like all the grape medicine I was forced to take as a child and then threw up.
After being given a clean bill of dental health I stopped at a 7-11 for a Big Gulp Diet Coke and this:
Because nothing says "I have no cavities!" quite like a big ball of sugar.