"Wow, you have really weird skin. It's good but you've got some spots that feel odd. Nothing bad, just some patches that are off. Do you eat a lot of dairy?"
"Well, I take some milk with my iced coffee. But not much other than that."
"You drink coffee? How much a day?"
"I've had three today."
"Three eight ounce cups?"
"Um, no. More like three twelve ounce cups."
"You've had 36 ounces of coffee TODAY?"
"um, yes?"
"Well, there's your problem, cut out the coffee and your skin will clear up."
Okay, so it's not like I have skin cancer, which I guess would technically be the worst news ever, but no more coffee? Pretty fucking bad.
I live and die by iced coffee. I was happier than a pig in shit when I found out PJ's was selling a 32 ounce iced coffee during the summer. I had quite a few of them while we were in New Orleans for Tru's birthday.
On a normal morning I wake up and literally stumble into the kitchen pawing at the fridge to make myself a cup of iced coffee before I do anything else. I don't feel right until I've sucked down at least half a cup and I realize that makes me sound like I have an addiction and I don't care.
So that's the dilemma I'm facing, give up iced coffee and see if caffeine really causes that much damage to my skin (as well as a list of other body parts that she rattled off) or continue trucking along as if I don't know any better. Honestly I think the decision was made for me as we ran out of iced coffee today and I never had time to run to Whole Foods to restock. You might want to pray for jparks and Truman.
Ugh, this better work otherwise I'm going to be really pissed that I gave up coffee for nothing. And that I still have zits.